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Types of Contracts for Workers

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There are various workers in various professions and not everyone will be employed with the same type of contract. To some extent, the type of contract that is designed for you will also depend on the type of work that you are dealing with. This differs from country to country as well. Different cultures are more concentrated on dissimilar work and employment contracts. Nevertheless, it may be important to look into the types of contracts that are available so that you might have added perspective when it comes to your next job.


In comparison to full-time employment contracts, there are no major differences in a contract for part-time work except for the reduction in the number of working hours and the pay. The other aspects covered in the contract of full-time work such as the holidays and the working environment must be included in this contract as well. The law provides no room to treat a part-time employee any different to a full-time employee. There are laws regarding discrimination to help protect the interests of part-time workers. These workers will usually be paid by the hour.


Contracts usually state the number of hours one has to work for. Full-time contracts account for those where a number of total hours of work ranging from 6 to 10 are stated. These contracts are usually the most commonly found contracts in the corporate world. In addition to the working hours, the contract must also state the concessions, holidays, bonuses and other important aspects of the employee’s work and environment. It must also state the salary. Most employers have a high demand for full-time workers. Full-time jobs can include things such as tutoring as well.


As the name suggests, these contracts are valid for a set time frame and usually, there is no renewal when it expires. You might have to hire a specific type of employee for a short-term job. Certain construction labour hire companies also use fixed-term contracts. These contracts have to be very carefully drafted and tailored according to the type of work that is to be carried out.

Casual work

Casual workers are those who do not have a fixed number of hours of work. They are mostly seasonal workers that work a few months or a few weeks per year. They are offered employee rights but not to the extent that other types of workers are covered by, as their employment contract is not a permanent one. This includes legalities such as statutory sick leave.